1459 stores located on the Google Business Photos tool with the support of Iniciativa Actua.

The Actua initiative launched in June 2013 the Google Business Photos project aiming at promoting in a global and innovative way Andorra and its tourist and commercial attractiveness through the Internet channel.

The project provides significant value to businesses by improving their position on the Internet, and taking into account the new and constantly changing forms of consumer’s access to information.  In fact, social Medias, maps and geo location tools are gaining ground against traditional search engines.
Actua’ s team of photographers pictured 1459 businesses. Users can enjoy an interactive tour with 360º panoramic images of different shops in Andorra. Virtual tours are available through many channels: visitors can use Google search engine, Google Maps tool, or directly through businesses’ websites. Globally, 1698 Andorran stores are registered in Google Places, although a few shops may not have been photographed yet.

Actua has been developing the project’s promotion providing QR codes window stickers to every single shop integrated in the tool. These codes bring the user directly to the virtual tour of the shops, which allows the user to visit a closed shop. Besides, every virtual tour is linked on Actua’ s Twitter account.
The first phase of the project ended on Wednesday 19 March, counting with only 169 non interested businesses. Thanks to the accomplishment of the first phase, Andorra has become pioneer in virtual presence, since most of its stores are located in Google tools. Also, it is possible to surf along the ski resorts and walk around the different streets and roads of Andorra.

The Actua initiative will continue its efforts providing this tool free of cost to newly registered businesses. To proceed, a letter will be addressed to businesses’ managers in order to promote the project. Besides, other resorts of touristic interest will be incorporated gradually to the Google platform.