A Start-Up that develops a graphological recruitment tool joins Andorra Telecom’s NIU

Andorra Telecom’s incubator/accelerator NIU presented a new project on Monday, March 5th, 2018. It is a new app designed to facilitate the selection process of personnel through graphology. It is promoted by Raül Martín, an Andorran entrepreneur who recently joined Andorra Telecom’s NIU.

 The project is planned in three different phases with the aim of becoming a tool that provides information about the candidate in a recruitment process. “It is a very effective application for Human Resources departments, because it can fit applicants’ professional profile with the criteria requested by companies, providing an additional added value in the traditional personnel selection process, “said Martín.

Raül Martín, who was accompanied in the presentation by NIU’s manager, Miquel Gouarré, highlighted the role of the incubator/accelerator for Start-Up companies. “It is an ideal place for thinking of new ideas, thanks to the easy exchange of experiences and knowledge, with the support of specialists from different areas that support you and, moreover, and this is very important, with the possibility of presenting the project to investors.

Miquel Gouarré, said the NIU is a platform for the promotion of entrepreneurship, and shows Andorra counts on professionals with an innovative vision capable of using technology to create new businesses.

Text and photo: Andorra Telecom