Actua and the Chamber of Commerce will collaborate to enhance the competitiveness of the Andorran business sector

The director of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Andorra (CCIS), Pilar Escaler, and the directors of Actua Empresa and Actua Innovation, Judit Hidalgo and Marc Pons, signed on May 9th, a collaboration agreement between the two entities to enhance the competitiveness of the Andorran business sector.

Actua and the CCIS will promote actions to encourage Andorran companies’ digitization, innovation and internationalization. The strategy to find new e-commerce formulas, and the impulse and transformation of the commerce sector will also have an important weight. Attracting and retaining Andorran talent will be also one of the main priorities.

Actua and the CCIS were already working on projects aimed at boosting and fostering the entrepreneurial spirit and competitiveness of the Andorran business sector
The agreement signed by both entities is for two years and will be tacitly renewable for periods of one year.