Andorra Business

Andorra Business and Andorran companies present Andorra´s potential in the electronics sports industry at the GES 2023

Thursday October 26th 2023

Andorra Business, along with various Andorran companies and entities such as theACA Club, Onalabs and Idunity, participated on Thursday October 26th, in the Global Esportainment Summit 2023 (GES 2023), the largest professional congress in Europe and Latin America on the ecosystem, culture and entertainment in electronic sports celebrated for the first time in Barcelona after having been in Madrid.

The Andorran delegation presented the projects under development in the country. Jaime Punter-Villagrasa, Chief Technical Officer and Quality Manager at ONALABS, explained how the entity is analyzing different player metrics; Alberto Moreno, Chief Technology Officer at IDUNITY, how Blockchain technology is being applied in the sector; Antoni Sasplugas, general secretary of the ACA Club, presented the characteristics of the Andorran high performance center and the possibilities it offers; and Jordi Mur, Project Manager in technology and electronic sports from Andorra Business, stated the country´s firm belief in this industry and the country´s attractiveness in the field of business.

The eruption in the fields of academia, legal, the universe of influencers, marketing, business and institutions were other subjects that the GES 2023 centered around.

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