Andorra presents a cash surplus for the second consecutive year

The Minister of Finance, Jordi Cinca, reported 2017’s closure of the government accounts, with a cash surplus of 9,081,594 euros. Thus, for the first time since 2000, the government presents two consecutive years of positive liquidation. According to Cinca, such results consolidate the government’s goal of budgetary equilibrium.

 The minister stated “the accounts have been closed with a surplus of 0.3% of GDP, and this result marks the achievement of all the objectives defined in the budgetary framework approved by the Consell General for 2017”.

 Debt in relation to GDP is 35%, which is 2.2% below the level foreseen in the budgetary framework.

 Incomes represented 423,187,443, which was 1.9% more than the 415 million provided for in the budget.

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