Introduction of “Andorra Go!” An application included within the Smart Country project, from the Actua program

Andorra Telecom and Andorra Turisme both introduced on Tuesday, the new mobile application “Andorra Go!” enabling tourists to receive many touristic and commercial offers on their mobile devices.

The new application allows users to have in real-time:

  • Information on car parking and availabilities
  • Shopping, accommodation and restaurant offers
  • Geolocalisation of any place of interest
  • Discount coupons and information about promotions
  • Calendar of events
  • General and touristic information of interest
  • Branding and shops search engines.

The application is set to be launched in November, during the Andorra Shopping Festival.  It will work on Apple and Android platforms through the App Store and Google Play.
The project managers are visiting the shops looking for a wide introduction of touristic offers at the time the application is available. The CEO of Andorra Telecom, Jordi Nadal underlined the excellent response received by the commerce sector with the inclusion of 346 out of the 350 establishments contacted.
The pilot test will run for eight months. Upon completion, the performance will be evaluated and novelties could be considered.

The Secretary of State for Economic Diversification, Josep Maria Missé stressed that the project is part of the overall strategy of the Actua program to turn information technology into a tool to increase competitiveness of traditional sectors such as the commercial sector.

This strategy needs however, that public companies such as Andorra Telecom or Andorra Turisme take the leadership, while integrating private operators. The launch of Andorra Wifi and the inclusion of the shops in the Google Business Photos are decisive steps to this direction.

The CEO of Andorra Turisme, meanwhile, wanted to mention that this app complements the virtual supply, having as a cornerstone, the portal and the app Turisme Actiu destined to mountain paths.

Indeed, the visitandorra portal with eight million visitors per year will spread the new app Andorra Go! Budzaku stressed further that the use of new technologies provides much more information about our habits and patterns.