Three new companies join the Network of Inclusive Companies, adding to the 13 entities adhered to the project

The Andorran Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services (CCIS); Estacions de Muntanya Arinsal-Pal (EMAP SAU); and Tag Systems S.A. are the last 3 entities to join the Network of Inclusive Companies. This project is part of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Justice and Home Affairs’ strategy for the Labour Inclusion of People with Disabilities.

13 companies and institutions are already part of this project, which facilitates the right to work for people with disabilities under equal conditions and opportunities.

On Monday, June 11th, the Minister of Social Affairs, Justice and Home Affairs, Xavier Espot, signed the network integration agreement with the president of the CCIS, Miquel Armengol; the president of the Board of Directors of EMAP SAU, David Baró; and the director of Tag Systems S.A., Assumpció Majoral. The 3 entities have hired people with a disability into their staff and have all agreed to value the experience in a very positive way.

Minister Xavier Espot stressed that hiring people with disabilities brings added value to the company. Espot showed his satisfaction at the good acceptance of this work inclusion programme, exceeding the expectations initially set. In turn, he thanked society in general for its positive response.

The 3 signing entities received the distinction that accredits them as companies that integrate into their staff, people with disabilities in a totally normalized work environment.

Text and picture: Govern d’Andorra