ActuaTech Foundation is born to promote the Smart Country project

The Council of Ministers approved in its meeting on Wednesday the creation of the new ActuaTech Foundation, a non-profit organization designed to develop the Smart Country project.

ActuaTech Foundation is the result of an alliance between the Government, FEDA, Andorra Telecom and the University of Andorra to develop projects of public interest for the implementation of new technologies, the economic diversification and improving citizen’s quality of life.

The Foundation is initially formed by the four trustees mentioned but the statutes contemplate the possibility to expand with two more public or private entities. The presidency, which corresponds to the Government, will be taken by the Secretary of State for Economic Diversification and head of the Actua program, Josep Maria Missé. The rotating Vice-Presidency will initially be occupied by Albert Moles, CEO of FEDA.

The founding capital is €200,000. The creation of this organization, which will be based in the new FEDA offices on Prat de la Creu Avenue, will not hiring new staff, since collaborating entities already leading Smart Country projects will provide the personnel required.

The Secretary of State for Economic Diversification said the Foundation currently has two main guidelines. The first is focused on mobility and the search of tools and technologies improving the mobility of citizens and tourists. The second major project is based on the collection of information generated from the functioning of the city in order to improve basic public services.

Author: Actua Actua