Marc Lite:”A brand is a product + magic, in that order.”

Marc Lite, founding partner of the branding and innovation agency, Firma, gave the conference “Branding in the digital context (Tools to manage the brand in the information age)” The event took place on Monday, March 5th, at the Andorran Innovation Space.

Lite defined a brand as “a product + magic, in this order. If your product is not good there is nothing you can do “, and recalled “the most powerful brands are those that began from a very good product”.

The speaker also shared several recommendations on how to achieve suitable positioning proposals so that a product reaches its audience with the correct message. Regarding the digital context, Lite mentioned new tools to take into consideration, such as mobile apps or communication through pictograms.

 At the same time, he referred to the importance of social media channels, newsletters and influencers, pointing out that “these are not isolated decisions”.

The event was attended by more than fifty people, mainly entrepreneurs and promoters from emerging companies. This conference was part of the recent collaboration agreement between Actua and Barcelona Tech City.