The number of unemployed is 22% lower than last year and reaching 2010 levels

The number of job seekers at the Servei d’Ocupació  stood at 393 people at the end of November, a 22.5% lower than October and 22.3% less compared to last year’s same period. Thus, the number of unemployed people stood for the first time during this period, down from 400 people, the lowest figure recorded over the past six years.

In addition, the total number of employees, (35,268), showed an increase of 1.6% compared to the previous year’s same month.   It is the highest figure recorded the last four years in a month of September.

The largest increase of employees was in the sector of “Agriculture, livestock, hunting and forestry” with a rise of 6.6%, while the sector “Households occupying domestic staff” variation has been negative, with a decrease of 2.8%.