Thursday, November 3, 2016 – The Council of Ministers has approved the development of a new edition of the Taller d’Emprenedors in 2017. In total, around 230 entrepreneurs have completed the Taller successfully having developed a business plan. From them, 78 have created their real companies.
It also important to highlight that 85 entrepreneurs were students at the University of Andorra. Their participation in the Taller represented their Mémoire for achieving the Diploma in Business Administration.
The types of businesses that have been implemented throughout the 16 workshops have evolved. In the first editions, many projects were related to technology and internet services. Afterwards businesses were more technical, such as engineering firms, architecture, design, media, or events organization.
In the past few years, the Taller workshops have focused more on the social and gastronomic aspects such as restaurants, shops, homemade food processing, artisanal crafts and food intolerances.