The four clusters of Actua (Education, Sports, Health and Wellness, and Innovation) were created with the aim of bringing together the country’s professionals in these sectors and take advantage of the potential to work together on various projects and actions. In December 2015 the Innovation cluster was the first to be privatized, thus achieving another of its objectives: To operate autonomously with the contributions of each of its members.
The Sports cluster, still managed by Actua, with 106 companies, will be the second to privatise. This year, the cluster has been working to characterize the sports sector in Andorra, make a first diagnosis of the current situation, identify the strategic challenges of companies and prioritize collaborative projects. The current leaders of this cluster are the businesswoman, triathlete and biologist, Laurence Lestang, and the Bàsquet Club Morabanc Andorra’s president, Gorka Aixàs. After the summer a new cluster session will be held to present the new structure and the projects to the participant companies.