The Actua program delivered the Scratch Contest awards, within the Education Cluster. Around 70 people, including participants, their parents and their teachers, participated in the event.

Scratch is a visual programming language created by the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) aimed at children from ages between 8 and 12 years old. The theme of the contest was the realization of a Christmas greetings, in relation with Global Citizenship, and integrating as much Andorran cultural elements as possible.

Three projects were selected by the jury, formed by Marc Jover and Quim Torredà, from the Ministry of Education; Gemma Arribas, from the Actua program; Imma Jiménez, head of economic diversification; and Ferran Costa, head of the Education cluster.

The winners were: Diego de la Cueva from Escola Andorrana d’Ordino, Duncan Houstoun from the Col•legi Internacional dels Pirineus, and Lua Barragan and Isolda Casamajor from the Escola Andorrana de Sant Julià de Lòria. The award consisted in a Lego mindstrom and all participants got a small gift as well.

The Secretary of State for Economic Diversification, Josep Maria Missé, congratulated the participants and especially the winners for taking part of this contest. Among winners, the Actua program chose Lua Barragan and Isolda Casamajor’s project to send the Christmas greetings to all its contacts.