Twenty Chinese entrepreneurs participated this Friday at the conference Andorra – China to establish synergies and trade ties between the two countries. The session is part of the visit of the Chinese ambassador, Lyu Fan, who met Thursday with the Prime Minister Antoni Martí, and the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Gilbert Saboya and Tourism and Trade Francesc Camp.

The business conference was opened with the speech of the Foreign Affairs Minister Gilbert Saboya, who welcomed the participants. The minister recalled the good institutional relations between the two countries, and how they have strengthened in recent years. In addition, he said the intention is to increase trade exchanges between the two countries.

As the minister Saboya pointed, imports from China already account for 4% of total imports in Andorra, exceeding 40 million euros.

In fact, the aim of the meetings held this Friday is that foreign companies’ participants get to know the country, its attractions, and businessmen, so that they can help and establish synergies.

It is in this context that the Minister of Tourism and Commerce, Francesc Camp, presented the country to the visiting delegation and noted the peculiarities and efforts made in the framework of the Actua program for economic diversification.

The Chinese ambassador, Lyu Fan, expressed his satisfaction for visiting the Principality and participating in the business conference, and to “feel the festive spirit” that pervades the country holding events to mark the Chinese New Year.