Exports in November 2016 were valued at € 7.13 million, according to the latest statistical report for the month of December 2016. In addition imports amounted 127.52 million €, with an annual change of + 11.3%. Regarding the accumulated of the last twelve months, the increase was + 3.9% for imports and + 8.9% for exports.

Regarding the labor market, the total number of employees is 35,268 people, with an annual increase of + 1.6%. The trend is positive, with a + 3.0% compared to the same month of the previous year.

Also, the number of visitors who entered the country during the last 12 months has been 7,995,419 people, representing an important increase of + 2.6% compared to the figures of the same period last 2015.

You can find here more details of the last report.