The opportunities that Andorra offers with the economic transformation process, was the main topic addressed during the intervention of the Minister of Economy, Competitiveness and Innovation, Gilbert Saboya, in the Smart City Expo World Congress 2017, in Barcelona.
Saboya presented, before a crowded auditorium, innovation projects being developed to turn Andorra into a testing laboratory (Living Lab), where companies have the best tools to develop their products. In this sense, he pointed out that “we will not invent anything, but we have the capacity to be good at implementing some of the existing solutions, and this is the best thing we can do from our country”.
He also referred to the main challenges on sustainable mobility: “we work to integrate a multimodal transport platform and the autonomous vehicle project”. Retail sector and the integration of different payment systems, and Big Data projects, that improve the quality of life of citizens and the experience of visitors, are also part of the current ongoing strategies.
The Economy, Competitiveness and Innovation Minister also reviewed the Principality’s main specificities and recalled the negotiation process with the European Union. He then mentioned some of the projects developed with the Andorran Observatory of Sustainability (OBSA), such as the study on the potential for solar use on the country’s building rooftops, and others that are being carried out with researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), such as CityScope and Persuasive Electric Vehicle (PEV), both implemented with Data from the country.
Saboya took part in the panel round table with New York City Innovation Director Jeff Merritt, Urban Development Director of Johanneberg Science Park, Maria Ådahl, CEO of Hacer, Regiane Relva Romano, and Mastercard Executive Sapan Shah.
Intense day at the Actua stand
During the second congress day, Actua’s stand held presentations of companies established in the country such as Podoactiva, Freemindtronic, Naos, Electrichain, Telcap, E-Beat, E-Motion, and from Research centres such as Actuatech, OBSA and MIT, which work on projects in the country. During the day, demonstrations were made of several projects that focused the attention of the specialized public. Thursday is the turn for the speeches by representatives from e-Motion, uSchuss!, and other OBSA and MIT researchers, who will make more studies public.
Professionals from 126 countries
The Smart City Expo World Congress 2017 features 675 exhibitors, 400 speakers and the industry’s leading companies on intelligent urban solutions. In fact, it is the world’s leading event. Among the companies participating in the congress, were Deutsche Telekom, Engie, Huawei, Mastercard, Microsoft, Siemens, Suez and ZTE. Along with Andorra, other important countries and cities also showcased their projects and initiatives, such as Denmark, Dubai, Sweden, Germany, Finland, Holland, Israel, London, New York, Norway, Spain and the United States. Last year’s congress brought together more than 16,000 visitors, professionals from 126 countries, 420 renowned speakers and 591 exhibitors.