The director of Andorra Development and Investment (ADI-Invest in Andorra), Judit Hidalgo, was interviewed on Monday, December 18th, in the program ” Ara i Aquí ” of Ràdio Nacional d’Andorra, condcuted by Àlex Lliteras. During the interview, ADI’s director said in 2018, the strategy of the Andorran economic development and promotion agency will target new business opportunities in countries such as Germany, Belgium and the United Kingdom.

Hidalgo announced two important agreements for next January, for Andorran companies willing to operate in Spain and France. Further details will be given in the coming weeks.

 The director of ADI also reviewed Actua’s participation in recent events, such as the economic mission in Portugal and the Smart City Expo World Congress. She also presented the Casa de la Muntanya project, which is already being developped in collaboration with the Comú d’Ordino, the Andorran Observatory for Sustainability (OBSA) and the Snow and Mountain Studies Centre of Andorra (CENMA).

 Click for the entire interview – Ara i Aquí.