Thursday 18 January 2024

Andorra Business will launch in the coming weeks a national platform where you will be able to consult what IT service providers exist in Andorra. The aim of this tool is to potentiate the connection between companies, those looking for services and solutions and the country´s suppliers.

The catalogue is structured in various categories such as: Technological solutions, communication, digital marketing, Blockchain and services.

Companies wanting to be included in this platform can now register following this link:

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Andorra Business
Author: Andorra Business

Andorra Business és l’agència de promoció i desenvolupament econòmic d’Andorra. Impulsar sectors clau per a la diversificació de l’economia, captar i acompanyar la inversió estrangera i local, donar suport a les empreses andorranes per ser més competitives, i facilitar l’aterratge al país de noves empreses, són algunes de les nostres prioritats.