Thursday 1 February 2024

Around twenty Andorran business owners took part in the economic mission to Lisbon that ended this Thursday, February 1st, and which was organized by Andorra Business, in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Andorra.

The two-day work program was made up of individualized agendas for participants, informative sessions on internationalization and business culture in Portugal, along with visits to the business incubator, Startup Lisbon, as well as to the program and hubs platform, Unicorn Factory, where participants discovered the development of sustainable and efficient methods for companies. Bilateral meetings were also held such as the one between the Portuguese State Secretary for Internationalization, Bernardo Ivo Cruz, and the Andorran State Secretary for Enterprise, Economic Diversification and Innovation, Marc Saura.

Saura recalled that it had been six years since a business economic mission had been held and highlighted that “it had been warmly welcomed by both Andorran and Portuguese companies. We were able to observe that both countries´ realities are very similar paving the way for many work-lines”.

Ivo Cruz added that “it has taken us a long time to meet again and we must take advantage of this opportunity. There are many sectors in common to explore. Andorra is a country we know well, where there is a high volume of Portuguese residents and a strong will to work together”.

The director of Andorra Business, Judit Hidalgo, gave a very positive balance thanks to “the warm reception to the mission by the main protagonists, our 20 business owners, who were extremely satisfied by their agendas and the business possibilities they were able to explore”. In this sense, one of the professionals taking part, David Julián, general director of Alpine Security, stated “we are very pleased as we had various meetings with clients who were extremely interested in our services and through which we will see what kind of collaborations may arise. We are quite optimistic with the results”.

The goal of the mission was to analyze in place investment and commercial opportunities currently offered in Portugal and falls within the framework of strong bilateral relations existing between the two countries. Besides the twenty Andorran business owners, also present with the mission were the Andorran Ambassador to Portugal, Eva Descàrrega along the president and director of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Andorra, Josep Maria Mas and Sol Rossell.

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