An agreement was signed today between Andorra Telecom and Massana Commune to specify the details of a joint project to implement a home supervision system for Home Care service users. The “Monitoratge a la llar” project, which comes under the auspices of the Smart Country project and Iniciativa Actua, will be piloted by a user of the Home Care service in Massana who lives alone and whose family lives outside the country.

The test project will involve the installation of sensors which will send signals to a platform which recognizes the person’s movements and detects any situation in which she might be at risk. If there is an alarm a signal will be sent to the user’s family and the Home Care support team. The sensors will be inconspicuous so as not to bother the person, who leads an independent life. These devices, for example, will detect changes in the temperature in the kitchen or humidity in the bathroom and notice if the user has convulsions or a fall. “This is a very important step for Andorra Telecom as we are putting into practice what we have been trying out in the laboratory and, in addition, it is a project which is extremely important on a human level” said the director of the company, Jordi Nadal. 
The agreement was signed by the  Massana Consul, David Baró, and Jordi Alcobé, the Minister of Economy and Territory and President of the Board of Directors of Andorra Telecom, who highlighted the social importance of the project. “In this project technology is being used to serve the community. This pilot project is good news because it means a great step forward in improving the welfare of older people and those with reduced mobility, who often spend long periods alone at home” said David Baró. Jordi Alcobé added that “if this project is a success we could consider implementing this supervision system for Home Care users throughout the country. We will continue working on the Smart Country project at ACTUA to apply technology to other sectors. The pilot project will be launched this week and the privacy of the person participating in the project will be guaranteed throughout.