The first working group to establish the basic criteria for the Andorra’s comprehensive oncology service was held on Monday, September 4th. The Government, at the proposal of the Minister of Health, Carlos Alvarez, approved the constitution of this working group, in charge of analyzing the elaboration of a set of specifications for a public bidding. The aim is having a comprehensive and prestigious service of oncology in Andorra. Citizens of the country would have a better access to treatments as well as an improved quality of assistance.
The working group is represented by members of the Ministry of Health; the Ministry of Economy, Competitiveness and Innovation; the Servei Andorrà d’Atenció Sanitària; ACTUA; and the Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social. The Secretary of State for Health, Joan León, said  this group is expected to meet periodically over the next few months in order to finalize the drafting of the specifications.
During this first meeting, the commission’s working criteria was established. It must analyse comprehensively what the current situation is and what is needed in terms of oncology in the country.