Next September will see the start of a new Edition of the project Tandem and during the month of July, Andorra Business will proceed to select the participating companies and the challenges to be faced by the students of the Vocational Training Center in Aixovall.

Companies that are interested in taking part in this sixth edition should send an e-mail to The basis for company selection can be consulted at the following link and the period for receiving applications will end on July 23rd.

The project Tandem is a joint initiative between the Andorran Education Ministry and Andorra Business. Its objective is to introduce new learning dynamics in the Andorran educational system as well as connect students to the business world. With this initiative students immerse themselves in an innovative process with the aim of providing solutions for real problems in specific companies. It also allows companies to present strategic challenges that need to be solved with an open process and innovative methodology that can then be introduced into the company.

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Andorra Business
Author: Andorra Business

Andorra Business és l’agència de promoció i desenvolupament econòmic d’Andorra. Impulsar sectors clau per a la diversificació de l’economia, captar i acompanyar la inversió estrangera i local, donar suport a les empreses andorranes per ser més competitives, i facilitar l’aterratge al país de noves empreses, són algunes de les nostres prioritats.