Over 200 people, among which service suppliers and interested public, attended on Tuesday the first Digital Services Fair organized by Andorra Digital, in collaboration with Andorra Business and the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services, held at the Congress Centre in Andorra la Vella. The event´s goal, stated by the director of Andorra`s Digital Transformation Program, David Vicente, was to “generate a meeting space to raise awareness and facilitate interaction among companies who offer digital services and their potential clients”. During the inaugural speech, Vicente also highlighted the alignment of the Fair with the Company Digitalization Program launched a few months ago by Andorra Digital to promote modernization within the country´s businesses.

The director of Andorra Business, Judit Hidalgo and the co-director of the Chamber, Sol Rossell, also spoke at the event´s inauguration and pointed out the “importance” of digitalization for the country´s businesses in order to carry out their work “efficiently”. Hidalgo invited the attendees to take advantage of the programs offered by Andorra Business for companies to “help insert them into the market and grow the business network as well as the Andorran economy”. Rossell highlighted the “importance” of events such as the Fair “because they aid in rethinking the desired new business model to be more efficient and competitive”.

A Single Point of Contact located at the entrance of the venue served to explain to those interested the tools provided by the Business Digitalization Program promoted by Andorra Digital and which offers, among other things, a free self-diagnostic test to evaluate each company´s digital maturity, obtain subventions for a homologated supplier to draw up a plan for the digitalization of a business and, finally, the obtaining of financing endorsed by the Government to implement digital solutions.

The Digital Services Fair was divided into three spaces, in accordance to the services on offer by the over 40 suppliers who registered for the event. An area aimed at the digital client, where suppliers explained their solutions for brand positioning, electronic commerce, CRM or social media management. Another for digital companies, addressing digital strategy, analysis or digitalization of business procedures. And a last area, dedicated to technology and cybersecurity, where services aimed at safe mail, the analysis and detection of threats or legal requirements were presented. Each area had a lectern from which suppliers explained digital solutions offered by their company in 5-minute turns.

Each area of the fair also had tables which served the purpose of, according to Vicente, “facilitating interconnection between offer and demand, in networking sessions to be used to broaden knowledge and understand which are the possibilities of each company in each field”.

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