The Andorran Financial Summit will bring together more than 30 banking entities, fund managers and rating agencies from Europe and the United States on October 26th and 27th. This meeting, organised by the Government of Andorra, will set out in detail the transformation that the Andorran financial system has undergone, and the measures the country has implemented as part of its firm commitment to transparency and international standardisation.

The Andorran head of the Government, Antoni Martí will introduce the conferences, featuring the Economy, Competitiveness and Innovation Minister, Gilbert Saboya, and the Finance Minister, Jordi Cinca. The head of the Unitat d’Intel·ligència Financera (UIFAND), Carles Fiñana, the managing director of Institut Andorrà Nacional de Finances (INAF), Ramón López, and legal expert Luis Viñuales, partner at Uría y Menéndez will complete the round of conferences.

Former President of the European Commission, former Prime Minister of Portugal and current non-executive president of Goldman Sachs International, Mr. José Manuel Durao Barroso, will give a speech at the gala dinner, emphasizing the importance for small states to adapt their financial regulations to international standards, in order to fit within the EU.

Heads of Compliance, legal, risk and business departments of the participating entities will discover, at conferences and working sessions, the competitive advantages that make Andorra an attractive international financial destination.

Within the the financial sector’s framework of transformation towards transparency and standardisation, Andorran entities offer stability and security that allow international investors to achieve greater business diversification. The excellence of its services and the solidity of its entities make it a highly-valued destination among the international financial and investment community.

Text: Andorran Financial Summit