The Program for Company Digitalization (PDE), promoted this summer by Andorra Digital, in collaboration with Andorra Business and the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Andorra, has reached the last two phases of the process which consist in personalized digital assessment and the implementation of services and digital solutions for each of the businesses that have started their modernization process. In order to access it a company must have completed the first phase of the PDE, consisting in filling out a self-diagnosis form to know the company´s degree of digital maturity.

In these final two phases, business will receive personalized assessment funded by the homologated company of choice as well as access to a financing plan with soft loans so as to execute the drafted plan for the company.

Specifically, during the two phases, the chosen supplier will listen to the business owner, analyze the company´s digital starting point, formulate a series of actions and finally will present a plan of action by dates in order to complete digital transformation. This phase is funded according to the type of company: 40% of the total cost for companies with over 100 workers; 50% for companies between 26 and 100 workers and 75% for small companies, between 1 and 25 workers.

With regards to the third phase of the PDE, once the supplier has elaborated a personalized plan, lines of financing will be offered with soft loans at 0.95% interest rate, so that business owners may carry out the planned actions. In addition, the Government of Andorra will carry the cost of the interest rate payments for the first two years of the loan.

To end, if the digitalization process for the business has not started yet, Andorra Digital, Andorra Business and the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Andorra would like to remind everyone that the aim of this program is to help business owners economically and support them through the digitalization process assessment. Furthermore, the program is made up of three simple steps: fill out a self-diagnosis questionnaire to know the company´s current degree of digital maturity (no cost); Choose a homologated company from a list of suppliers provided so that they assess your company personally with the measures needed to digitalize the company (funded); And finally, access to advantageous loans in order to implement the necessary digital solutions.

For any doubt or question you can enter the program´s website (, call 812 020 or 809 292 (Monday to Thursday, from 9h to 17h and Friday, from 8h to 15h) or send an email to

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