The Secretary of State for Economic Diversification, Josep Maria Missé, participated Thursday in the closing ceremony of the 2014 Taller d’Emprenedors, held in the auditorium of the University of Andorra. In this edition 24 business ideas were developed with a great variety of projects, according to the coordinator of the entrepreneurship program, Joan Gonfaus. Most of the projects, a total of 19 have successfully completed the course with the preparation of a business plan after 20 training sessions (one session per week) held since last January.

In recognition of the entrepreneurs’ efforts who successfully finished the Taller, the government has awarded three prizes for the best business plans developed in order to help them implement real businesses. These awards consist of an economic prize of €2000, €1,300 and €700. The first award was for a project of ecologic agriculture, while the second was for building hand-crafted guitars and, the third award was for a conscious and healthy food project.

Missé has emphasized the high number of companies that end up creating as a result of the Taller d’Emprenedors and reminded participants of the recently created Actua Corner, which is a central information point available for entrepreneurs who need assistance and support. The Secretary of State for Economic Diversification advised new entrepreneurs on the importance of building a rigorous business plan and use the knowledge acquired during the entrepreneurship program.

The director of the Informatics and Management School at University of Andorra, Florenci Pla, stressed that entrepreneurship includes values ​​such as courage, curiosity, work and the ability to find solutions to specific market needs.
The program provided knowledge in areas such as marketing, human resources, finance or economics and law, including a tutoring service (virtual and face-to-face)  that monitors the evolution of projects during the five months training.

200 entrepreneurs attended so far the last 14 editions of the Taller d’Emprenedors and many of them have ended creating a company, although many participants were students from the University of Andorra that made the workshop to strengthen their academic education.

The Government of Andorra, is carrying out since 1999 – the Taller d’Emprenedors, totally free for participating, in collaboration with the University of Andorra and businessmen from the private sector. The aim has always been to promote the ability to create new businesses and lead business projects in existing companies.