Andorra Business assigns 190.000 euros for the 2022 subventions for small and medium sized businesses, as presented on Monday June 13th by the Minister for Presidency, Economy and Enterprise, and president of Andorra Business, Jordi Gallardo, alongside the entity´s director, Judit Hidalgo. The maximum amount to be awarded is of 6000 Euros per beneficiary.

Gallardo explained that “the program´s aim is to give support to Andorran companies in their transformation towards added value, innovative and competitive companies, well positioned to face the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities offered by international markets. This year´s subventions are mainly focused on taking advantages of these opportunities”.

Hidalgo informed that “the subventions aim to be a boost in improving functioning and for the companies to be able to face new challenges. In fact, in the follow up on the results of previous subventions awarded the feedback states that thanks to this support companies have enjoyed an increase in billing”.

This edition will have two rounds. The first opening on June 13th and a second opening on October 26th 2022, with the same regulatory basis and conditions.

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Andorra Business
Author: Andorra Business

Andorra Business és l’agència de promoció i desenvolupament econòmic d’Andorra. Impulsar sectors clau per a la diversificació de l’economia, captar i acompanyar la inversió estrangera i local, donar suport a les empreses andorranes per ser més competitives, i facilitar l’aterratge al país de noves empreses, són algunes de les nostres prioritats.