Andorra Business Mornings

Andorra Business offers the country´s companies who may be interested, the possibility of giving a talk for a maximum of one hour on a topic of business interest and 15 minutes of networking through its program Andorra Business Mornings.

Connect with professionals in your field at our meetings to increase your network of contacts and learn from the professionals that surround you.

Matins Andorra Business

Andorra Business engages to promote the event to the cluster members and other business contacts. In addition, we will promote the event on social media and our website.

Andorra Business engages to promote the event to the cluster members and other business contacts. In addition, we will promote the event on social media and our website. This conference will not contain any promotion of products or services offered by the company. However, you will be able to display your brand and contact information on the final slide. Andorra Business will validate the content before booking the space.

Andorra Business Mornings

We call you!

We call you!

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If you are interested in giving a talk on a topic of business interest, fill in this form and we will contact you.

  • Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, rar, zip, bmp, gif, Max. file size: 2 MB.
    Adjuntar una imatge del logotip de l’organitzador en format PNG, PDF o vectorial en una resolució de com a mínim 400px d’amplada. Els fitxers han de ser de menys de 2 MB. Tipus de fitxers permesos: jpg jpeg png gif bmp pdf rar zip .
  • En facilitar imatges a Andorra Desenvolupament i Inversió, S.A.U. per mitjà d’aquest formulari, l’empresa garanteix a Andorra Desenvolupament i Inversió, S.A.U. que les referides imatges no infringiran drets d’autor, drets de propietat industrial, drets d’imatge, ni altres drets o posicions jurídiques d’anàleg contingut econòmic de tercers, tot i essent l’empresa de què es tracti la responsable en exclusiva de qualsevol eventual vulneració i d’eventuals danys i perjudicis al respecte.

  • Utilitzarem aquestes dades per a valorar la viabilitat de la teva proposta i contactar-te. No les compartirem amb tercers fora de l’àmbit dels Matins d’Andorra Business i la seva promoció, i t’informem que en la nostra política de privacitat trobaràs informació addicional sobre aquest tractament i com pots exercir els teus drets d'accés, rectificació i supressió, entre altres. En enviar-nos el formulari, acceptes els termes i condicions del nostre avís legal.
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Històric de Matins d'Andorra BusinessHistòric Matins d’Andorra Business

Elisabeth del Valle - Casos d'èxit Andorra Business


Andorra is a perfect place to develop and test all our innovations, to carry out comprehensive country pilots tests and to generate business alliances. The sports environment is impressive, especially because a large number of athletes live there and the country prioritizes the sector.

Elisabeth del Valle, CEO and co-founder of Onalabs

The decision to create a company in Andorra came not only because of the tax facilities, but above all because of the high quality of life and the presence of talented young people. NP Technology wants to grow in the world, expanding its presence in other countries, and Andorra Business has played a key role helping us in our internationalization process.

Marco Di Giampietro, CEO of NP Technology
Gerard Maravella

Andorra is an ideal place to work and establish a company. It is a charming and family-friendly country, with spectacular natural surroundings and great tranquility, where many business opportunities arise and where, moreover, it is very easy to solve all the problems that arise.

Gerard Marabella, CEO de Balize
Joan Muro


The Principality’s highly competitive tax framework allow us to offer attractive prices to our clients. Additionally, the Government of Andorra prioritizes the development of the biotechnology sector, to which we contribute as the first company of this type in the country.


We decided to open the clinic in Andorra because many of the Moto GP and Superbike riders that we advise live here, such as Fabio Quartararo and Pol Espargaró. Also because there are quite a few elite athletes living in the country. Andorra Business helped us for the launching of the business by providing us information on how to set up the company in the Principality.


Andorra is one of the best places in the world to set up the design, marketing, conception and engineering part of a company. Andorra Business helps us to internationalize our company with its connections/contacts to enter markets where it is more complicated to settle.

Max Commencal, CEO of Commencal
Meritxell Martí - Farmacia Meritxell
Farmàcia Meritxell

Having a business in Andorra does not only mean having tax benefits. It is also easier on a bureaucratic level and to project yourself internationally. Andorra Business helped me in precisely this process, making my products known outside the Principality.

Sergi Zamora - Casos d'èxit Andorra Business


We chose to come to Andorra afer the Covid pandemic noting the possibility to set up an audiovisual production and dubbing studio in the country, enabling us to working internationally. In addition, living in Andorra is wonderful for our children because of the environment and the great safety.

Sergi Zamora, CEO of Neela Studio
Nice Fruit

Andorra has a variety of advantages we took into account when we decided to establish the company in the country such as security, legislation and political stability. And after having done so, I was surprised by how much people love living in Andorra. It provides a very high quality of life.

José María Roger, President - Nice Fruit

We have chosen to establish our company in Andorra due to its privileged natural characteristics that make it an emblematic country, its security, the moderate tax pressure it offers, and our belief in its strong potential to become a European healthcare hub.


We came to Andorra because we love mountains, because Spain and France were nearby, and especially because of the exceptional security framework that the Principality offers. We are very happy to continue with the support of Andorra Business, since thanks to them we have been able to establish many commercial links with international companies.

Jacques Gascuel, CEO of Freemindtronic